Adrian has a collection of ten Norris-Brown songs that were recorded at home over the years featuring the voice of Ingrid. In 2012, two years after the passing of Ingrid, he took four of these recordings to studios in Birmingham and, aided by the great talents of four local musicians, he expanded the songs into full arrangements. This resulted in the release of a demo EP entitled 'As If' which was designed to act as a lasting tribute to Ingrid's talent. He hopes to develop the remaining songs further and to eventually release all ten of the recordings as a full Norris-Brown album.

The four songs 'As If', 'How Do I Run', 'Cast Me Away' and 'Kicked Down The Door' were enhanced by the talents of -

Lesley Turner on violin
Matt Foundling on piano
James Banner on electric and double bass
Daniel O'Brien on cello.

Adrian would like to thank the musicians and is grateful to them for each having given a great performance and responded creatively and sensitively to the songs at hand. He would also like to thank Aidan Laverty at Artisan Audio for having produced and mastered the EP to such a high standard.

The studios involved were

Univibeaudio where the musicians were recorded.

Artisan Audio where the production and mixing was completed.